Where is the best place to watch and stream 'Fatman' as of November 2021? We've compiled an updated list of streaming services that currently have 'Fatman' movies available to watch!
Watch Fatman Free: November 2021 Update
- 'Fatman' is available to rent or purchase on Amazon Video and YouTube Movies.
What makes a Christmas movie a Christmas movie? Is it snow? The fact it's set at Christmas? Or how about a plot that revolves specifically around Santa Claus? Because that's exactly what you'll get with 'Fatman' starring Mel Gibson. In fact, you'll get all of those things, but what you won't get is a merry film filled with festive cheer. Instead, you'll get a grounded tale about an aging man with back problems who the world has forgotten about - and doesn't really care about.
Let's find out where you can watch it online!
Is Fatman on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Mel Gibson's Father Christmas is just as elusive here as he is to all the children of the world in the film itself. But you can still sign up to the streaming service for other Christmas movies - it's $8.99 per month basic, $13.99 standard, or $17.99 premium. Netflix has a huge volume of TV shows, documentaries and more.
Is Fatman on Hulu?
'Fatman' isn't on Hulu, either. Prices currently stand at $5.99 per month, although it's expected there will be some increases, with prices ranging from $5.99 to $6.99 per month. Standard subscriptions are set to go up slightly, while an ad-free version will range from $11.99 to $12.99 per month.
Is Fatman on Disney Plus?
To no real surprise, 'Fatman' also isn't on Disney+. Home to the likes of 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National Geographic', ESPN, STAR and so much more, Disney+ is available at the annual membership fee of $79.99, or the monthly cost of $7.99. If you're a fan of even one of these brands, then signing up to Disney+ is definitely worth it.
Is Fatman on Amazon Video?
We've finally found 'Fatman' - you can rent it for $3.99 or buy your own copy for $14.99 on Amazon Video. While very entertaining, we think this one's worth the rental, as it doesn't necessarily have the re-watchability factor like many other seasonal movies (largely because it's not very merry).
Is Fatman on HBO Max?
Sorry, no 'Fatman' here, either. But either way, the service is $14.99 per month, which gives you full access to everything, and is also ad-free. HBO Max recently confirmed that a cheaper version would become available, for $9.99 per month, however, this wouldn't be ad-free.
Is Fatman on Peacock?
Nope, 'Fatman' isn't on Peacock! Subscriptions for this service cost $4.99 monthly or $49.99 for the whole year with a premium account.
Is Fatman on Paramount Plus?
'Fatman' really is hard to find (a bit like Santa himself). To enjoy this service, though, a basic package will cost $4.99 per month with ads, while an ad-free premium package will cost $9.99 per month.
Is Fatman on YouTube Movies?
Yes! 'Fatman' is available on YouTube Movies, but only for purchase, so it might be worth sticking with Amazon Video for this flick.
Related: Where to Watch and Stream Die Hard Free Online
'Fatman' is probably one of those films best watched weeks before the holiday. That's not to suggest it's a bad film at all - it's very entertaining, and it's great watching Mel Gibson facing off against one of the naughtiest kids he's ever faced (Walter Goggins). In short, 'Fatman' is a fun Christmas movie - just not in the way you think. Expect lots of action, chaos, carnage, and cynicism - you know, the perfect ingredients for a Christmas movie (like 'Die Hard'!).