Where to Watch and Stream Anna Karenina Free Online

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Where is the best place to watch Anna Karenina? We've compiled an updated list of streaming services that currently have Anna Karenina available to watch.

Watch Anna Karenina Free Online

  • Anna Karenina is available to stream on Netflix as part of your subscription.
  • You can also watch Anna Karenina on HBO Max, or on Hulu if you have the HBO Max addition.
  • You can rent or buy Anna Karenina on YouTube Movies or Amazon Prime Video.

Anna Karenina is a 2012 movie that adapts Leo Tolstoy's classic novel of the same name. With a screenplay by Tom Stoppard and direction by Joe Wright - also known for adaptations of Pride and Prejudice and Atonement, the film features lead performances by Keira Knightley, Aaron Johnson, and Jude Law, among others.

This is a luscious, visually pleasing adaptation that received some positive reviews for its visuals and modern take on Tolstoy's novel. Others believe that it failed to capture the spirit of the original, but, in any case, Anna Karenina was a much-talked-about film when it came out, so, if you like period pieces, it's worth checking out.

Is Anna Karenina on Netflix?

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Yes. Anna Karenina is currently available to watch on Netflix, along with many other period pieces, such as Jane Eyre, Emma, and Pride and Prejudice. A Netflix account starts from $5.99.

Is Anna Karenina on Hulu?

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At the time of writing Anna Karenina is not available to stream on Hulu through the traditional account which starts at $6.99. If you are interested in watching a romantic film on the streaming platform, you can try Sense and Sensibility instead. For a more dramatic, queer love story, check out Brokeback Mountain.

In case you have the HBO Max extension on your Hulu account, you can then watch Anna Karenina. This type of package costs $14.99 per month.

Is Anna Karenina on Disney Plus?

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At the time of writing, Anna Karenina is not on Disney+. Disney+ mostly focuses on Disney's own animated films and other works owned and distributed by Disney. The current monthly price for those interested in the streaming platform is $7.99.

Is Anna Karenina on Amazon Prime Video?

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You can watch Anna Karenina on Amazon Prime Video. It is not part of your Prime subscription, but it is available to rent, starting from $3.99. For a few extra dollars, you can also buy it and watch it whenever you want.

Meanwhile, a 1997 adaptation of Anna Karenina (dir. Bernard Rose) is available to stream on Amazon Prime as part of your subscription.

Is Anna Karenina on HBO Max?

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Yes! HBO max has Anna Karenina available to watch as part of your subscription, which starts at $9.99.

Is Anna Karenina on Peacock?

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Anna Karenina is not available to watch on Peacock at the time of writing. On that platform, you can watch The Hunger Games that came out at around the same time, if you're up for something dystopian, with a televised romance that turns out to be more than a pretense.

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Is Anna Karenina on Paramount Plus?

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Anna Karenina is not available to stream online on Paramount Plus. The streaming platform has its own romantic comedies, including but not limited to Pretty in Pink.

Is Anna Karenina on YouTube Movies?

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Yes, you can rent Anna Karenina through YouTube, starting from around $3.99 or £2.49.