While The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess (or Tensei Oujo) ended beautifully, fans can't help but wonder what happens next to Anis and Euphie's story. If you’re one of them, then here’s where to start reading The Magical Revolution’s manga after watching the anime!
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How Much of the Tensei Oujo Light Novel Did the Anime Cover?
The Tensei Oujo anime adapted up until the third light novel. Anime-only viewers might think that the yuri anime finished the entire story as Episode 12 ended the series wonderfully (with Anisphia and Euphyllia kissing towards the end).
But the good news is that the light novel is still ongoing, so fans get to see, or rather, read more about their favorite characters.
There are still a lot of questions that need to be answered though, like, will Euphyllia ever find where she belongs, or will Anisphia and Euphyllia end up together?
While the light novel might not answer those as of writing, fans now have other options to find out more other than waiting for the anime.
Where to Start Reading The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess After the Anime
Even if the isekai anime did not end on a cliffhanger, those who wish to know what happens next in Anisphia and Euphyllia’s journey should start reading the fourth light novel onwards.
Tensei Oujo was originally a light novel before it was adapted into manga and anime.
This means that The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess light novel is ahead of the other two media, making it the best medium for those who want to continue the story.
There is also the option to read the light novel from the beginning. Most fans do this to get more insights from their beloved series, as anime adaptations rarely mirror the source material to the dot.
Manga readers should not be discouraged, though, as the manga version of Tensei Oujo is close to where the light novel is.
Will The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess Get a Sequel?
Diomedéa, the studio behind the anime, has yet to confirm Tensei Oujo Season 2. With the way Episode 12 ended, some viewers feel that a sequel might not be possible. We cannot blame them though, as not all anime shows get a season two.
But until there is an official announcement, fans can still hope and wait for The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess Season 2.
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