The Attack on Titan manga has sold more than 110 million copies as of September 2022. It was then adapted into an anime, which boosted the shonen and action series' popularity even more. For those who want to read the source material after the anime, here's where you can read the Attack on Titan manga after the anime.
Illustrated and written by Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan was published in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine in 2009.
In 2020, it received a full-color serialization and Kodansha USA acquired the license to distribute the manga's English version in North America.
How Much of Attack on Titan Did the Anime Cover?
The Attack on Titan manga ended with 139 chapters in 2021. In April 2022, Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 adapted until Chapter 130 of the manga, meaning there are only nine chapters left for the anime to adapt.
Where to Start Reading the Attack on Titan Manga After the Anime
Fans who wish to start reading the Attack on Titan manga where the anime left off should start with Chapter 131 onwards.
Having said that, it is generally expected that Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 3 will cover the last remaining chapters of the manga as it has also been confirmed that Part 3 will be the last installment of the Attack on Titan anime.
Where to Read the Attack on Titan Manga Online
The best way to read the Attack on Titan manga would be from officially licensed websites to ensure the quality and accuracy of the manga's translation. These official websites include the following:
There are also other websites online specifically made for Attack on Titan.
However, there is no guarantee that each chapter is complete or that the English translations are accurate on these unofficial sites.
You also have the option to purchase a copy of the manga from online bookstores that offer the manga's digital copies.
Which Is Better: the Attack on Titan Manga or Anime?
If you're looking to experience the full complexity and multi-layered storytelling that is Attack on Titan, the manga might be a better option.
Regardless, both the manga and anime of Attack on Titan are well-loved by fans from all around the world.
The anime did its best to faithfully adapt the content from the manga, with Hajime Isayama himself adding some plot points that he felt were lacking from the original source material.
However, the anime lacked some perspective that can only be seen in the manga.
These differences can be considered trivial for some while they could be a big deal to avid fans of the series.
Either way, both the anime and the manga are popular works for a reason.
The decision as to which one is better will depend on the personal reference of the reader or watcher.
Most of the time, the manga contains more details about the characters and the world-building, whereas the anime provides a deeper attachment to the characters through animations, voice acting, and music.
Of course, fans of Attack on Titan can read the manga and watch the anime at the same time too.
There is also other content from the franchise that fans can enjoy such as light novels, live-action and musical adaptations, and video games.
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