Lookism, the popular South Korean webtoon written and illustrated by Park Tae-joon, is getting an anime adaptation from Studio Mir (Dota: Dragon's Blood, The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf). The Japanese-Korean anime was originally announced by Netflix during their Tudum virtual event on September 25, 2022, and it was originally set to release on Nov. 4, 2023, but its release date has been pushed back after the Itaewon Halloween tragedy.
If you're an anime or webtoon fan, you're probably wondering where you can read the Lookism webtoon online before you watch the anime series on Netflix, but before we get to the webtoon guide, here's a trailer for the anime series to give you an idea what Lookism is about:
What is Lookism's story about?
Lookism's story revolves around a high-school student named Daniel Park (Park Hyung Seok), who can switch between two bodies: one ugly and fat, and the other handsome and muscular. He receives the new body after moving to Seoul to attend a new high school. When one body is in use, the other falls asleep, so he uses the handsome body during daytime, and he switches to his original fat body for the night.
Netflix also shared an official description for the Lookism anime:
Currently serialized on LINE Manga and Naver WEBTOON, “Lookism” follows the protagonist as he works hard to live life against the backdrop of various social issues. It began serialization in 2014 and has 8.7 billion views globally. Just like the original webtoon, the story of the animated series “Lookism” also deals with the subtle lookism and materialism present in the lives of people living in modern society. Unique character designers have breathed life into the main characters of the original manga, giving them vivid voices, dynamic direction and gorgeous effects. Through fascinating episodes with a slightly different feel compared to the original manga, this series will deliver excitement and new discoveries. Enjoy the story of Park Hyeong-seok as he overcomes diverse encounters and conflicts and grows to fulfill his dreams.
"Lookism" is a term used to refer to the positive stereotypes, prejudice, and preferential treatment given to physically attractive individuals, or more generally to people whose appearance matches cultural preferences.
Where can I read Lookism online?
Lookism is available to read for free on Webtoon.com. Of course, there are unofficial websites and YouTube videos that feature the webtoon, but this is the official way to read it online. There are also fan translations you can find on social media, but we highly-encourage you to read the official English translation on Webtoon.com.
Is Lookism webtoon still ongoing? How many episodes does it have?
Lookism was first published weekly on Naver WEBTOON in November 2014, and at the time of this writing, the webtoon is still ongoing.
There are currently 411 webtoon episodes, and the latest one was released on Oct. 29, 2022. The next episode is expected to release on Saturday, Nov. 5.
Related: When is Lookism Coming to Netflix? Here's A Release Date Update