Where to Read the Heavenly Delusion Manga

Where to Read the Heavenly Delusion Manga After the Anime
Credit: Production I.G

Where to Read the Heavenly Delusion Manga After the Anime
Credit: Production I.G

If you finished watching Heavenly Delusion and are hungry for more, we're here to help. Below, we discuss the best spot to read the Heavenly Delusion manga after the anime.

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How Much Manga Material Does Heavenly Delusion's Adaptation Cover?

Heavenly Delusion has a very detailed anime adaptation. Therefore, despite some readers' belief that most of the manga would get adapted, the anime covers just about 2/3 of the existing chapters.

So far, the anime has adapted up until Volume 5 and some of Volume 6 of the manga.

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Where to Start Reading the Heavenly Delusion Manga After the Anime

Where to Start Reading Heavenly Delusion's Manga After the Anime
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Credit: Production I.G

For those who want to start reading Heavenly Delusion from where the anime leaves off, we recommend starting from Chapter 38.

The last few episodes of the anime cover the Inazaki Robin arc of the manga whereby Kiruko's quest for Robin comes to an end in the most shocking and disturbing way imaginable.

This arc ends in Chapter 35. In between, the anime integrates some of the Nursery arc, specifically Chapters 36-38.

Is It Ok to Skip What the Anime Has Covered?

Heavenly Delusion: Is It Ok to Skip What The Anime Has Covered
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Credit: Production I.G

There isn't an exact correlation between anime scenes and manga chapters, so if you could start reading before Chapter 38, you could end up better oriented.

The best way, in our opinion, is to start reading Heavenly Delusion at the beginning.

This will provide you with a fuller experience, as some manga elements may have been omitted or presented in a different order.

With such a detailed anime adaptation, reading from the start isn't strictly necessary.

But Heavenly Delusion is presently such a short manga, so you have nothing to lose by reading it all.

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How Many Chapters and Volumes Does Heavenly Delusion Have?

How Many Chapters and Volumes Does Heavenly Delusion Have
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Credit: Production I.G

So far, the Heavenly Delusion manga counts just 55 chapters. Of these, 49 have been collected into 8 volumes, with more volumes expected to come.

Therefore, if you don't mind the disturbing themes and the body horror, there's no reason not to start reading Heavenly Delusion.

Compared to some shounen manga that run for years with hundreds of chapters, Heavenly Delusion should be fairly quick to get into.

Heavenly Delusion Manga
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Credit: Production I.G

Moreover, Heavenly Delusion is a monthly manga that started its serialization in 2018, meaning there won't be an overwhelming volume of new material to catch up with.

While we don't expect the manga to be huge by the time it ends, there's no sign of cancelation or an immediate ending, so it'll be a while before we learn if Maru and Kiruko will find heaven.

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