Haikyuu is one of the most iconic sports anime series to date. This coming-of-age series celebrates friendship, perseverance, and teamwork, but where to read the Haikyuu manga after the anime? Here are all the details!
Where to Start Reading the Haikyuu Manga after the Anime
The Haikyuu manga is adapted into anime comprising four seasons, two OVAs, and two upcoming movies.
Haikyuu Season 1 covers Chapter 1 from Volume 1 until Chapter 71 from Volume 8. The first season premiered in April 2014 and concluded with 25 episodes in September 2014.
Haikyuu!! Season 2 continues from Chapter 71 until Chapter 149 from Volume 17. Season 2 of the anime premiered in October 2015 and ended with 25 episodes in March 2016.
Season 3 of the Haikyuu anime starts with Chapter 150 from Volume 17 until Chapter 190 from Volume 21. The third season also covers Haikyuu Chapter 207 from Volume 23.
The third season debuted in October 2016 and ended with 10 episodes in December of the same year.
The OVA titled Haikyuu!! Land vs. Air covers Chapter 190 from Volume 21 to Chapter 199 from Volume 22.
Meanwhile, another OVA titled The Path of the Ball covers Chapter 198 from Volume 22 until Chapter 206 from Volume 23.
Haikyuu Season 4, which is the fourth and last TV anime season of the series, covers Chapter 207 from Volume 23 to Chapter 292 of Volume 33.
The fourth season premiered in January 2020 and ended with 25 episodes in December 2020.
So, if you have watched the four seasons and the two OVAs, you can start reading the Haikyuu manga from Chapter 293 titled Promised Land.
Meanwhile, two Haikyuu!! Final movies are set to cover the remaining story from Chapter 293.
The first movie titled Haikyuu!! the Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump is set to showcase the highly anticipated match between Nekoma High and Karasuno High.
Haikyuu!! the Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump was released on February 16, 2024, in Japan.
Where to Read the Haikyuu Manga Online
Haruichi Furudate’s Haikyuu manga concluded with 45 volumes comprising 403 chapters (the last chapter in the volume is numbered 402.1).
A special one-shot manga, Haikyuu!! Chapter 402.2, was also released on February 4, 2024, ahead of the release of the first Haikyuu!! Final movie.
Fans can read all the chapters online via Viz's Shonen Jump app. Meanwhile, the digital version of the Haikyuu manga volumes is available for purchase on Google Play, iBooks, Nook, and Kindle.
Fans can also get their hands on the paperback versions of the volumes from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Kinokuniya, Crunchyroll, Comic Shops, and Bookshop.org.
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