Good Night World is a drama and fantasy anime that centers around the four members of the Akabane Family inside and outside of an online game called Planet. With a computer virus on the loose, it is up to the Akabane family to erase it at all costs. Here’s where you can read the Good Night World manga online.
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Good Night World: Bringing Families Together Online
Reality is harsh for everyone, but it is harsher for the members of the Arima Family, whose lives have been changed forever after the sudden and tragic death of the youngest daughter, Aya.
Since then, the Arima family has hit rock bottom, with each member suffering from all sorts of trauma, mental illness, social withdrawal, low self-esteem, and more.
They became a hopeless and dysfunctional family with no solid foundation.
What better way to cope with Aya’s death than to escape reality? In an online game called Planet, the four members of the Arima family assumed new identities to feel the warmth of an actual family.
The head of the household, Kojiro, became known as Shiro Akabane; the mother, Miyabi, goes by the name May; the eldest Taichirou has an in-game name of Ichi; and the youngest, Azuma, was not thinking when he picked the name AAAAA.
Together, they are the Akabane family, residing on the infamous Twilight Hill. They are widely regarded as the four strongest players in the game, but the catch is that they are not aware of each other’s real-life identities.
They work together as a party rather than a guild, and they agree on only one rule: everything real-life-related is taboo. They are together all the time, and they love the familial feeling they radiate toward each other.
The Akabane family has the fewest party members, but they are the most superior. Their skill points are impressive, and together, they are much stronger.
They are after the Black Bird of Happiness, an urban legend that has become real in-game.
If they ever capture the Black Bird, the prize of 300 million yen (real cash) awaits them.
Where to Read the Good Night World Manga Online
The Good Night World manga series can be read online through the official mobile app of MangaOne. But bear in mind that the manga is only available in Japanese.
Sadly, there’s no website online where the Good Night World manga can be read legally for free.
Is the Good Night World Manga Finished or Still Ongoing?
The Good Night World manga is already complete. This means you can read the manga from Chapter 1 to Chapter 52 in just one day.
Uru Okabe’s manga was serialized on Shogakukan’s Ura Sunday website as well as the MangaONE service from December 28, 2015, to January 8, 2017.
The manga can be collected into five tankobon volumes with over 50 chapters.
The manga also inspired a prequel series titled Good Night World End, which is still ongoing as of writing. It began serialization on MangaONE on August 1, 2023.
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