Where to Read The Ancient Magus' Bride Manga After Season 2

Where to Read The Ancient Magus' Bride Manga After Season 2
Credit: Studio Kafka

Where to Read The Ancient Magus' Bride Manga After Season 2
Credit: Studio Kafka

Now that The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 is over, some fans want to stay in touch with the fantasy anime. But from where should fans start reading The Ancient Magus' Bride manga after Season 2?

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Here's How Much Manga Material The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Covered

Season 2's plotline begins in Chapter 46 of the manga if you want a College arc refresher.

Overall, the second season's episodes cover about 30 manga chapters.

Where to Start Reading The Ancient Magus' Bride After Season 2

Here's Where to Start Reading The Ancient Magus Bride After Season 2
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Credit: Studio Kafka

If you're keen to skip what The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 has already covered, you can start reading the manga from Chapter 71 onwards.

Episodes 11 and 12, with which Season 2 concludes, cover the "A small leak will sink a great ship" sub-arc.

This ends in Chapter 70 of The Ancient Magus' Bride manga, so if you're not up for reading things you already know, this should be a good starting point for you.

ALSO READ: Will Chise Die in The Ancient Magus' Bride?

Is It Ok to Start The Ancient Magus' Bride Manga in the Middle?

Is it Ok to Start The Ancient Magus' Bride Manga in the Midway
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Credit: Studio Kafka

Starting reading The Ancient Magus' Bride at Chapter 70 is possible due to the relatively straightforward plot, but it might not make for the best reading experience.

The Ancient Magus' Bride can be seen as a slice-of-life fantasy. While magical elements are there, the story is more about Chise's daily life as a mage's apprentice and less about a complex plot.

This means that as long as you have watched both seasons of the anime and remember their core elements, reading forward shouldn't cause too much confusion.

It is, however, important to know that the anime adaptation has skipped certain chapters and scenes.

Therefore, elements or characters whom you won't remember by just having watched the anime might be brought up.

Moreover, Season 1 was occasionally a bit messy, especially toward the end, as the anime material outran the manga.

Due to all the issues above, reading the manga from the beginning isn't a bad idea if you have time.

How Many Chapters and Volumes Does The Ancient Magus' Bride Have?

How Many Chapters and Volumes Does The Ancient Magus' Bride Have?
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Credit: Studio Kafka

Currently, The Ancient Magus' Bride manga counts 95 chapters, which are collected into 19 volumes.

This means, should you start from where Season 2 left off, you only have 15 chapters left to go.

As of writing, The Ancient Magus' Bride manga is ongoing but on hiatus, preparing for a new arc.

While this might be disappointing, it gives fans of the anime plenty of time to catch up and even read the entire manga if they wish.

Unfortunately, there's no word as to when the hiatus will end, but we hope for more chapters soon.

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