Originally a shonenmanga created by Ken Wakui, the anime adaptation for Tokyo Revengers has already begun. The manga, which runs in Weekly Shonen Magazine, has been in print since March 2017 and as of February 2020 had 3 million copies in circulation. As of April 2021, the series has reached 22 volumes in Japan with the English version published by Kodansha not far behind with 20 volumes released as of April 2021.
In this series, the main character is Takemichi Hanagaki, an adult male who is living a dreary existence, and when he figures that life can't get any worse, he sees on the news that a girl he dated in junior high (the only girl he's ever dated) has been murdered by a gang that has been running wild. Suddenly our hero is sent back in time 12 years to junior high, which he decides to use by infiltrating the gang that murdered his ex-girlfriend and tries to avert disaster.
The anime is produced by LIDENFILMS and features Koichi Hatsumi as the director working off scripts written by Yasuyuki Muto and character designs from Keiko Ota. The first episode premiered on April 11th and will also receive a live-action film adaptation in Japan, which is set to premiere in summer 2021.
When Will Tokyo Revengers Be Dubbed in English?
The good news is that as of April 12th, 2021, it's been made official that this series will get an English dub on Crunchyroll. We don't know when exactly the English dub will be released, but stay tuned for updates as they become available.
Tokyo Revengers sounds like the gritty drama that I could really sink my teeth into this season. While I haven't watched the first episode yet, I'm looking forward to seeing it in the near future when I have some free time to get caught up with the new season. While I don't always love time skip series, this could be one that bucks that trend for me and helps me find my footing in this often tricky genre.