The anime original Engage Kiss was announced to have a mobile game adaptation called Engage Kill. Square Enix was confirmed to develop the said game with Aniplex this year. Engage Kiss made its anime premiere in July 2022, but when will its mobile game, Engage Kill, be released?
It was also confirmed that aside from the characters from Engage Kiss, a new original character named Chloe Tang has been added to the game.
Chloe was designed by Tsunako, the illustrator behind the sci-fi anime Date A Live, and will be voiced by Arisa Kori.
Related: Where to Watch Engage Kiss in Sub or Dub
When Will Engage Kill Be Released?
Unfortunately, the official release date for Engage Kill has not yet been confirmed by either Square Enix or Aniplex.
The most recent update is that Engage Kill is now accepting pre-registrations via LINE and Twitter. Those who have pre-registered will receive special items like scout tickets and in-game currency.
The rewards will depend on the number of pre-registrations. For 100,000 pre-registrations, players will receive 100,000 in-game currency.
For 150,000 pre-registrations, 10 scout tickets per batch will be given away. For 200,000 pre-registrations, three assist Kisara public and private partners will be rewarded.
Square Enix also released a game trailer for Engage Kill on its official YouTube channel to create more hype for the game.
You may check it out here:
The series' official Twitter account, @EngageKill_PR, has also been releasing updates about the game, such as character draft summaries and news about the pre-registration.
Since the pre-registration has started, there is a chance that the game will be released sometime this year.
Interested players will have to tune in for updates and follow Engage Kill’s official Twitter account.
Related: Is Engage Kiss Based on a Manga or Light Novel?
What Is Engage Kill About?
Engage Kill is a mobile role-playing game that follows the same worldview as Engage Kiss.
It is part of Project Engage along with the original anime, Engage Kiss. The game and anime are both set in Bayron City, an artificial island.
The city has a mine to acquire Orgonium, a kind of energy resource. This activity has led to an outbreak of disasters in which demons are attracted to go to the city.
In response, there are private military companies that are in charge of dealing with the said creatures.
As mentioned, a new character named Chloe Tang will be joining the game. Chloe Tang came from a good family and is known to travel around the world.
Chloe, despite her calm demeanor, has actually been through a lot. She has unparalleled strength and amazing reaction speed, making her a reliable character in the game.
Read More: Who Does Shu End Up With in Engage Kiss?