Animated by J.C. Staff and directed by Hiroaki Akagi, the anime adaptation of Combatants Will Be Dispatched! is a Funimation co-production and will run for 12 episodes. Originally premiering on April 4th, 2021, Combatants Will Be Dispatched! follows a special agent who works for the evil Kisaragi Corporation. With the corporation almost done with their conquest of Earth, they decide to send out their agent to a far-off planet to explore the possibility of taking over that planet. Teamed up with a special combat cyborg named Alice, the pair are immediately drafted into the military and must balance their conquest of the planet with protecting the kingdom!
You'll notice that I mentioned that this is a Funimation co-production in the above paragraph. That means that Funimation is the exclusive home to Combatants Will Be Dispatched! But does it mean that it will be dubbed into English?
When Will Combatants Will Be Dispatched! Be Dubbed in English?
The good news is that according to a listing on the official Funimation blog, Combatants Will Be Dispatched! is confirmed to be receiving an English dub in the future. The bad news is that we have no idea when that will be. In the before times, Funimation would start dubbing a new series within 3 months of its premiere (and that was at the latest for low priority series).
Unfortunately, we live in the after times now which means that dub production has been slowed down considerably and it can take months for a new series to begin the dubbing process and even when it starts, there's no guarantee that we'll get a new episode strictly weekly because let's face it, unless your name is something like Fruits Basket it's unlikely that the demand will be there to justify the double-time effort.
In the meantime, fans can still watch the series in its original Japanese with subtitles on Funimation's streaming service every single Sunday at 8 am Eastern Daylight Time/5 am Pacific Daylight Time.