Originally a science fiction light novel series that has been running in Japan since February 2017, 86 has made its big anime debut as of April 11th, 2021. Animated by A-1 Pictures, Toshimasa Ishii is directing the series with Toshiya Ono writing the scripts. The light novel is up to 9 volumes in Japan as of February 2021, with the English language release published by Yen Press is not far behind with 7 volumes published as of March 2021.
In this complex story, we have a war being fought between the Republic of San Magnolia and the Empire of Giad. At first, the war was pretty one sided with the Empire able to cause significant losses for the Republic but eventually, they were able to develop their own autonomous units to fight the war for them which is fine to the public at large since they believe that these autonomous robots are piloted remotely. In reality, they are actually being piloted by the former dominant race known as Alba but who have since been persecuted into being considered below human and forced into internment camps known as the 86th ward.
When Will 86 Anime Be Dubbed in English?
To answer this question, I must present you with good news and bad news. As of April 14th, 2021, we do know that Crunchyroll will be dubbing this series into multiple languages including English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German. All of these dubs will be available in their respective regions. The bad news is that as of April 15th, we do not know when exactly these dubs will debut but keep checking back for more information as it becomes available.
The series is also available now on Crunchyroll in its original Japanese, with new episodes appearing on the site weekly on Saturdays at 9:30 am Pacific.
I have not seen 86 yet, but this was definitely a series that people noticed in the weeks leading up to the premiere. From what I've seen in promotional videos this could be a fantastic series to check out on a weekly basis so if you haven't looked into this one yet, maybe now is a good time?
Related: 86 Anime Episode 2 Release Date and Time, Where to Watch English Subs Online, COUNTDOWN