The intriguing Bleach spinoff series, Burn the Witch, offers a fresh perspective on the mystical realm of Soul Reapers and sorcery. Yet, a burning question lingers in the minds of many: When does Burn the Witch take place in the Bleach universe?
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What Is Burn the Witch About?
Burn the Witch chronicles the adventures of Ninny Spangcole and Noel Niihashi, two witches employed by Wing Bind within Reverse London.
This clandestine world, situated in the western reaches of Soul Society, is inhabited by Dragons and concealed from the Human World’s London.
Unfortunately, 72% of London’s deaths are connected to dragons and fantastical creatures invisible to the majority of its inhabitants.
A select few have been bravely opposing these hidden threats. In Reverse London, only its residents possess the ability to see these dragons.
Among them, a chosen few train to become qualified wizards or witches capable of direct interaction with these otherworldly creatures.
Noel and Ninny serve as protection agents for Wing Bind, an organization dedicated to the conservation and management of dragons.
The mission assigned to Noel and Ninny is to safeguard and oversee London’s dragons on behalf of its people.
Reverse London and Front London exist as separate entities, and they are interconnected through conduits like the Coin Gate. The Coin Gate allows the residents to travel between the two realms.
These two worlds share an intricate bond, such that if a structure in Reverse London is destroyed, its corresponding counterpart in Front London will suffer a simultaneous and identical fate.
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So, When Does Burn the Witch Take Place in the Bleach Universe?
Burn the Witch is set in the same Bleach universe and takes place 12 years after the Quincy Blood War and two years after the events of Bleach Chapter 686.
Interestingly, after the premiere of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 23, a teaser was released for an upcoming Burn the Witch anime adaptation.
This adaptation will focus on showcasing the one-shot chapter. The new anime is titled Burn the Witch #0.8.
Written and illustrated by Kubo, Burn the Witch debuted as a 62-page one-shot series that was released in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump on July 14, 2018.
Subsequently, the series continued with a four-chapter serialization, picking up the storyline a month after the events of the initial one-shot.
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