Weekly Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic Book Announced for April

Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns and ends (again) next month, as the beloved series finally gets its final season. Some of these plot points might seem a bit redundant now that we know what happens to certain characters in Star Wars: Rebels but it will still be cool seeing how this era of Star Wars ends. Hopefully, we all get an ending that connects to Revenge of the Sith in a good way (or replaces it, that would be cool).

As we wait for The Clone Wars, we're actually going to wait a bit longer for a new Star Wars comic based on the popular cartoon. The Hollywood Reporter has announced Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars - Battle Tales, which is quite a mouthful but could be a fun series. This will be a five-issue weekly series coming out this April from IDW, similar to the Halloween-themed Vader's Castle comics, which a lot of fans seemed to like.

Each issue will have a framing sequence from Derek Charm, who wrote The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, which will follow clones sharing, as the comic implies, battle tales with each other. This will lead to stories that feature some of our favorite characters from the series like Ahsoka, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker.

One reason why fans suddenly think that the Star Wars prequels are good is due to The Clone Wars, a series that actually uses its characters in a good way. This is why so many people are looking forward to The Clone Wars Season 7, which will hopefully act as a replacement to Revenge of The Sith.

Then again, we wish Dave Filoni would just reboot the Star Wars prequels.

Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars - Battle Tales is coming out this April.

Read:Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode Titles And Descriptions Revealed