Is Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Available to Watch in the US?

Can You Watch Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom in the US? Kira
Credit: Sunrise

Can You Watch Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom in the US? Kira
Credit: Sunrise

Genetically modified humans named Coordinators clash against the naturally born humans called Naturals in a brand-new Mobile Suit Gundam movie. But can you watch the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom movie in the US?

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What Is Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom About?

The movie is set in C.E. (Cosmic Era), which marks a period characterized by the presence of two distinct human groups.

The groups are Coordinators, genetically modified individuals born with enhanced physical and mental abilities, and Naturals, who are naturally born humans.

The ideological conflict between these two factions intensifies into armed warfare, jeopardizing the existence of both.

Amidst the chaos, the Destiny Plan emerges as a proposal to assign specific roles to individuals, aiming to establish a world devoid of competition.

However, amid the ongoing conflict, the Destiny Plan faces rejection as humanity prioritizes protecting its goals and preserving its freedom over the imposed structure.

When Is Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Releasing?

Lacus Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom
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Credit: Sunrise

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom is slated to release on January 26, 2024, in Japan.

People who will watch the movie in theaters are set to receive gifts. Movie-goers will receive one of the two text short stories written by Liu Goto, who has written the script of the movie.

Viewers will also get a promotional card that can be used in the Mobile Suit Gundam: Arsenal Base game.

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Can You Watch Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Anywhere in the US?

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Arthrun
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Credit: Sunrise

As of writing, there is no official way fans in the US can watch Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom as it is released in Japan on January 26, 2024.

There is also no confirmation on whether the anime movie will be available on any streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu, or Prime Video.

Since the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise has a sizeable fanbase in the US, the new anime movie is highly likely to be released at some point after its premiere in Japan.

However, we will still have to wait for any formal confirmation from the Gundam Info staff regarding Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedomā€™s release in the US theaters.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom International Release Date

While there's no word yet on the anime movie's US release, the Jamnime Festival in Thailand is set to screen Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom in the country.

The Jamnime Festival is scheduled to be screened in Thailand from February 2 through February 4, 2024.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Voice Cast

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom US release
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Credit: Sunrise

The official Japanese voice cast of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom has been unveiled.

Here are the main voice actors of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom:

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