The original anime series of A-1 Pictures, vampires and music come together in one extravaganza of a competition between groups in the industry of songs as they compete in Visual Prison. Here is everything you need to know for Episode 7 including the release date and time which you can put on your countdown, and see where to watch the show and stream it for free.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Visual Prison. Read at your own risk!
What happened in Visual Prison Episode 6?
In Visual Prison Episode 6, Shangri-La of Cruelty, Robin and Yuki leads Oz in challenging Lost + Eden and the others as Robin officially transforms into a vampire and Gil knew his success beforehand. They wear the color sky blue. In 52 hours, the first concert of Oz will happen, to their surprise as Gil did not tell such to them.
Where to Watch Visual Prison Episode 7 with English Subtitles Online?
Visual Prison and the other anime titles under Funimation are released a week earlier for the premium access subscribers of the streaming platform the rate of $5.99 per month or $59.99 a year. For those who have not subscribed yet for premium access, Funimation releases the episodes a week after for free. No news yet on the English dubbed version.
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When is the Release Date of Visual Prison Episode 7?
Visual Prison Episode 7, titled My Principal, is slated for release on November 20, 2021, for the premium subscribers of Funimation. For those without a premium access subscription, it will be out for free the week after on November 27, 2021. There would be 12 episodes for the whole season.
When is the Release Time of Visual Prison Episode 7?
Visual Prison Episode 7 is slated for release at 12:00 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 8:00 AM PT
Central Time: 10:00 AM CT
Eastern Time: 11:00 AM EST
British Time: 4:00 PM BST
Visual Prison Episode 7 Countdown
Visual Prison Episode 7 Countdown
Will the first ever concert of the trio, Oz, be successful enough to beat the other teams? Are they really ready to take flight in the industry of bands and music? Find out in the next episode of Visual Prison!