It has been nearly six months now, and finally, Vinland Saga Season 2’s Farmland Arc has ended, and the way it came to a close was both unexpected and satisfying for its viewers.
While Season 2 has continually received praise from fans since Winter 23, the show’s recent string of episodes proves that it’s one of the most loved anime shows of the year.
Spoiler Warning: There are Vinland Saga Season 2 spoilers in this article.
Thorfinn and Canute’s Confrontation Ends in Surprising Fashion
As shown in the previous Vinland Saga episode, Thorfinn finally confronted Canute and asked him why he was taking over the farm. It was soon revealed that Canute also wants to build a paradise, but he is going about it by force.
This is the opposite of Thorfinn’s peaceful method of not having enemies. And while they have similar goals, the fact that they’re going about it differently may have implied a showdown between the two.
Despite Sweyn’s disembodied head whispering to Canute that he should kill Thorfinn, Thorfinn’s commitment to peace brings Canute to laughter as this kind of negotiation hasn’t happened to him before.
In the end, it was revealed that Canute pulled back his forces and stopped his plans of requisitioning other farms.
Seemingly moved by Thorfinn, Canute also became a more peaceful king, which led to more stability in his lands.
This is quite a surprising turn of events for anime-only fans, especially considering how different Thorfinn and Canute’s viewpoints are.
But instead of joining Canute, Thorfinn is still determined to seek his own paradise.
ALSO READ: Does Thorfinn Go to Vinland?
Vinland Saga’s Farmland Arc Ends to Unanimous Praise
Shortly after the episode’s release, director Shuhei Yabuta confirmed that this is indeed the end of the highly praised Farmland Arc.
Despite the finality of the episode, there is still one more to go, which should function as an epilogue for both the season and the arc.
As for fans, many viewers also shared their thoughts on Twitter, saying that the episode is once again the best one yet.
Less than a day after the episode’s release, the anime became a trending topic with over 28k tweets.
Fans also praised the thematic depth of the entire arc, as well as the moving final words that were shown at the episode’s end.
The season won’t end here though, as based on the previews, Thorfinn will finally go back home and reunite with his family.
Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 24 will be released on Crunchyroll and Netflix next week.
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