Which Characters in Vinland Saga Are Real?

5 Characters in Vinland Saga Who Are Based on Real People

5 Characters in Vinland Saga Who Are Based on Real People

If you're a fan of Vinland Saga, you might've noticed that there are elements in the anime that overlap with history, causing some to wonder if there are characters based on actual historical figures. So, here are the characters in Vinland Saga who are based on real people.

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As we all know, Thorfinn is the main protagonist of Vinland Saga. He is actually based on an explorer named Thorfinn Karlsefni.

The real Thorfinn was also a warrior who followed Leif Erikson to North America (which is Vinland in the series) to build a Viking settlement.

But although the two have the same names, they do not have the same physiques.

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In the anime, Thorkell is one of the iconic characters who acted like Thorfinn’s great-uncle. He is the trusted right hand of Prince Canute, the same as his real-life counterpart.

Thorkell the Tall was a Jomsviking Lord who started as an enemy of the Sweyn Forkbeard.

The two parties decided to reconcile and even became one team. Thorkell the Tall then raised Canute at his very own court.

He was portrayed as air-headed in the anime, but he was actually cool, calm, and collected in real life.

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Earlier, we mentioned that Thorfinn followed Leif on his journey to Vinland. And just like Thorfinn who is based on a real-life person, Leif is too!

Leif Erikson was a Viking sailor who went to North America. Some believe that he was the first person to chart a course to Vinland.

If this is true, then he could have been the first European to enter the New World.

His stories inspired Thorfinn Karlsefni to start his journey to find Vinland.


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Canute is known as the prince who planned to build a great kingdom. His leadership effectiveness made him the best person to lead the Viking army.

But in reality, the actual Canute was well-known for uniting different factions. His intelligence and strategic skills made him the ruler of Norway, Denmark, and England.

While the same has yet to happen in the anime, there is a huge chance for Canute to be as successful as his real-life counterpart if we get to see more Vinland Saga anime content.


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Another iconic character in Vinland Saga is Askeladd. In the anime, he was the one who killed Thorfinn’s father and eventually became a teacher to Thorfinn.

Although he wasn’t the best character to idolize, we can agree that Askeladd is a character who’s hard to miss.

Askeladd is based on Olaf the Peacock and Lucius Artorius Castus. The latter inspiration was actually a Roman officer who some believe motivated King Arthur.

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