Fans loved this summer's most unorthodox mystery anime, but will there be an Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2?
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Is Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2 Confirmed?
Undead Girl Murder Farce had one of the most unique premises in an otherwise quiet anime season. Fans are eager for more, but Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2 has not been confirmed as of writing.
This isn't entirely surprising. Interesting as it is, Undead Girl Murder Farce was moderately popular, so it might take a while longer to plan a new season.
Moreover, the Undead Girl Murder Farce light novel and manga are still in their early days.
Both the light novel and the manga have four volumes each, so it'll likely be a while before there is enough material to adapt for another season.
Despite its unorthodox premise, Undead Girl Murder Farce was an unexpected success with a dedicated fanbase, so we do hope that it will get a second season sooner or later.
Many anime announce their plans for a second season immediately after the first season finishes airing.
But in the case of Undead Girl Murder Farce, we would expect such an announcement to come within the next couple of years.
Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2 Release Date Predictions
Since Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2 hasn't been announced yet, we can only speculate about its possible release date.
In some cases, a new season can come out as soon as a year after the first, but this is rare.
Typically, this only happens with extremely popular titles with long manga or light novels to speak of.
In comparison, smaller series can take two years or even longer to release another season — manga and light novel progress definitely play a role in those cases.
Sadly, many beloved anime don't end up getting a second season at all, and their first season mostly serves as an elaborate way to promote the manga.
The story of Aya and Tsugaru is very cool and intriguing, so we can only hope that this won't be the case with Undead Girl Murder Farce!
Are There Any News for Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2?
Right now, there are no official updates about a possible Undead Girl Murder Farce Season 2, nor is there enough manga material left to cover.
Unless the studio and creators working on the anime choose to give the story their own original twist, it'll probably be a while before we hear of solid updates.
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READ NEXT: Every Main Character's Age & Birthday in Undead Girl Murder Farce