The Tokyo Manji Gang consists of only 50 members, but this will not discourage them from fighting Kanto Manji Gang's team of 500 people. As the battle begins, Takemichi's resolve and determination remain strong. Here's everything you need to know for Tokyo Revengers Chapter 246's Release Date!
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 245 Recap
As both Tokyo Manji Gang and Kanto Manji Gang approach each other to fight, Mikey calls Takemichi an idiot for charging in headfirst to the fight. He calls him a weak loser and says the team is bound to lose if the leader is defeated.
Kakucho rushes towards Takemichi and calls him an idiot as well, but Takemichi just tells him to get out of his way. Kakucho punches Takemichi and says their fight is over, thinking it's a lost cause.
Takemichi starts reminiscing about his childhood, a time where he always believed that he was the strongest. He begins trying to remember when he began thinking of himself as a weak person. He also thinks about Hina.
Despite getting punched by Kakucho, Takemichi refuses to fall down. With that, Kakucho remembers young Takemichi.
When Takemichi fought Kiyomasa, he remembers how he decided to keep fighting and not give up. Kakucho is surprised and gets hit by Takemichi. After he's sent flying to the ground, there is a shocked look on everyone's faces.
Takemichi says with that same resolve, he's going to reach Mikey. The battle finally begins!
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 246 Release Date
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 246 will be out on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. In Japan, the chapter will be officially out on Wednesday, March 16.
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 246 Spoilers
As of writing, there are no spoilers available yet for Tokyo Revengers Chapter 246. Stay tuned for more updates!
Where to Read Tokyo Revengers Manga
For information on where to stream or purchase the manga, you can check out the Tokyo Revengers page on the official website of Kodansha. They have various sources regarding where you can read the manga.
If you're looking for an app where you can read Tokyo Revengers, you should check out Mangamo and Inkr. However, do take note that Inkr's chapters are not updated with the most recent chapters!