With the war between the Three Deities still ongoing, the most recent chapter of Tokyo Revengers focuses on the current fight between Rokuhara Tandai's leader, South, and Brahman's strongest duo, Waka and Benkei. Mikey continues to watch at the sidelines while another member of Brahman refuses to sit back and watch.
Tokyo Revengers is a shōnen manga series created in 2017 by Ken Wakui. The manga is being serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine. The story is currently on its final arc.
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 228 Recap and Summary
The battle between Waka, Benkei, and South continues. As South was about to land a punch on Waka, Waka avoided the punch, moving swiftly and successfully counterattacking. He manages to hit South with multiple kicks. The bystanders are amazed by Waka's agility, calling him a bird. Benkei follows with a strong punch, sending South flying back. While watching the fight, Koko asks Mikey if he's okay with this since it looks like Brahman is winning. Mikey doesn't think this is the case.
South is back up and starts talking about his childhood — how at a young age, he killed his father and how his mother died. He says something about how he can't stop a certain "urge," which Mikey calls his dark impulses. South says he can't be defeated by the likes of people like Waka and Benkei, so something like this causes his violent urges to become stronger. He continuously beats Waka and Benkei, knocking them out. He also says that he loves violence because of these urges.
Senju enters the scene and faces South. She apologizes to Waka, telling him that she can't just witness the events unfold and do nothing about it. She tells South that she'll deal with him.
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 229 Release Date
Chapter 229 of Tokyo Revengers will be released on Wednesday, November 3, 2021.
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 229 Spoilers
As of now, there are no spoilers available. They are usually out sometime during the weekend.
Where to Read Tokyo Revengers Manga
The Tokyo Revengers page on the English website of Kodansha shows a list of where you can buy digital versions of the manga volumes. They also provide information as to where you can read the latest chapters on various manga streaming platforms.