Spider-Man: No Way Home marked the triumphant return of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield as well as the villains from their respective films. It's a comeback that fans celebrated as they get to see them in those roles again several years after they last played them. But as it turns out, two of them are now Guinness World Record holders as a result of their return.
The Guinness World Records have announced that, thanks to their return in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe have jointly achieved a Guinness World Records title for the longest career as a live-action Marvel character. Their appearance in No Way Home came 19 years and 225 days after they first played them in 2002's Spider-Man.
The previous record holders were Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart who played their respective roles of Wolverine and Charles Xavier from X-Men (2000) to Logan (2017) for 16 years and 232 days.
In addition, Alfred Molina, who also made his return as Doc Ock in Spider-Man: No Way Home, is holding the record for the longest gap between character appearances in Marvel films thanks to the 17 years and 170 days gap between his first appearance in Spider-Man 2 and his comeback in No Way Home.
It is great to hear that Maguire and Dafoe's return in No Way Home resulted in them earning a Guinness World Record which is very impressive especially since we all never thought prior to the film's announcement that we won't see those two actors in those roles again. However, it is very likely that the record will be broken again very soon thanks to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness which is rumored to have the appearances of the characters from Fox's X-Men. If Jackman or Stewart appear in the film, they can reclaim the record again.
Also Read: Tobey Maguire Finally Reveals What Convinced Him to Do Spider-Man: No Way Home
You can catch Maguire and Dafoe in Spider-Man: No Way Home which is still showing in theaters.