To Your Eternity is a deeply moving supernatural shonen work, based on a manga of the same name by Yoshitoki Oima. Even if you have yet to start watching the 20-episode show, To Your Eternity is hard to miss during the Spring 2021 season – many talks and write about it. The image most people associate with the show is a white wolf, or, even more commonly, a white-haired boy. But what is the boy's name?
To answer that, we need a short overview first: To Your Eternity tells the story of a mysterious immortal being who is sent to earth in the form of an orb to receive stimulation. Initially, the orb is nameless and does not have any feelings or identity. However, it can absorb and assume any form. After taking the form of several non-sentient objects, the being takes the form of a white wolf who just died, and here's where things get a bit strange.
Warning: Below is an explanation of how the main character came to have a particular form and name. If you haven't watched the first episodes of To Your Eternity beware of spoilers below.
Wolf-formed, the being, who still has next to no identity, is taken care of by a white-haired boy who doesn't realize his actual wolf, Joaan, died, and this is another being looking like him. We never find out this boy's name, as there are no other humans around him, and he dies by the end of Episode 1. The wolf-formed being doesn't fully understand feelings yet but is nevertheless devasted to lose the kind human.
Consequently, the being takes the boy's form – which becomes the signature appearance we associate our main character with from then on. This is not to say that the being understands itself as a boy, or as anything at all. Unable to take care of itself, it keeps dying of illness and starvation until it meets March, who acts as a mother figure. She teaches the being how to eat and give thanks, and, most importantly she gives it a name.
Since then, the boy's name is Fushi. This name means "no death" or "immortal," a fitting one, given the being's nature. Before being named, "it" seemed more fitting for such a creature, but after March's naming Fushi starts to really grow into the identity of a young boy, all the more so since he meets Pioran, the old woman who teaches him writing and human speech.
In Comixology, Fushi's name has been translated into Immo, from the word "Immortal," but fans weren't too pleased with that. Fushi is the name that has stuck, and while our main character is much more than a simple boy, Fushi suits him just fine.
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