The upcoming season of the hit DC Comics series Titans will mark the transformation of Jason Todd from boy wonder to the merciless Red Hood and his arrival in the show could spell chaos and mayhem for our heroes. As announced last August during the inaugural DC FanDome, actor Curran Walters will be donning the iconic Red Hood suit in Season 3, and now, DC just gave fans a taste of what's to come.
Titans' official social media handles have been teasing our first look just a few days ago and now, they finally unveiled it. The image they shared isn't exactly Curran in costume but rather a concept artwork but it's enough to give you an idea of how he'd look like in his new getup. What's most impressive to me is how they're remaining faithful to the famed Batman anti-hero's comic book costume. It's totally awesome! Check it out here:
It's quite obvious that the writers will have to tweak Jason Todd's Red Hood origins in Titans Season 3 to fit the show's plot and continuity. Now, it raises an interesting question regarding the fate of the boy wonder. With Todd's apparent turn to the dark side to oppose his former teammates and possibly put the target on Nightwing's back, will the third season usher in the arrival of a new Robin? Could Tim Drake be on his way to Earth-9? I think that's the most logical route. We'll just have to wait and see.
Titans Season 3's release date has yet to be confirmed.
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