HBO Max officially announced that two popular DC shows, Titans and Doom Patrol, had been canceled this week, with both series bound to end their series on their fourth seasons. Following the DC shows’ cancellation, several Titans and Doom Patrol stars have taken their emotional and lengthy farewells to social media. From Titans, Joshua Orpin (who plays Superboy) and Jay Lycurgo (who plays Tim Drake), along with Doom Patrol’s Joivan Wade (who plays Victor Stone aka Cyborg).
Titans star Joshua Orpin posted plenty of his behind-the-scenes photos as Superboy, along with his set chair that bore “Conner Superboy” and wrote on his Instagram post saying: “When you’re an actor, you take what’s on offer. Characters come and go. It’s all part of the gig, and you’ve got bills to pay… But every once in a while, a role comes along that’s so enthralling, so fascinating, so alien and yet human, that you’re compelled to give a little more of yourself.”
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As for Jay Lycurgo, the actor took to Twitter his goodbye. Well, not really. The actor, instead, commemorates this moment as a highly anticipated one as he prepares fans for his last appearance in Titans Part 2. Check out his tweet below:
Lastly, Doom Patrol’s Joivan Wade wrote a letter expressing his thanks and gratitude towards fans, supporters, and crew members: “The last 4 years of my life have been an absolute dream. The memories I will take with me from this will be unmeasured. The lessons, the skill, the insight, the friendships and the stories. It was LITERALLY my dream. Like, I’m talking “When I grow up, I wanna be a superhero” kinda dream. To which some believed was unattainable, but I thank the little version of me for never giving up. But giving it all he has to manifest this beautiful role.”
The first three seasons of Titans and Doom Patrol are currently still available to stream on HBO Max.