The epic Norse-inspired historical anime series has reached its Season 2’s finale, leaving fans gasping for more. However, fans are also wondering about how old Thorfinn is in Vinland Saga Season 2.
Let’s delve into the question about Thorfinn’s age by the end of Season 2 of the anime series.
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Where Is Thorfinn Toward the End of Vinland Saga Season 2?
Titled Home, Episode 24 of Vinland Saga Season 2 sees Thorfinn returning to his homeland, Iceland, along with Einar.
He is returning after ten years on Leif’s ship. Upon reaching close to the land, Einar notes that it is remarkably cold, and no wonder people can’t do farming here.
Finally, after docking the ship, Thorfinn reaches his village but people cannot recognize him.
Moreover, they cannot even remember if Ylva had a brother named Thorfinn.
Since quite a few years have passed, Thorfinn has aged, and he is no more a kid who grew up in this village with the same people around.
The villagers wonder if they should tie him up but they end up letting him see Ylva.
Leif tells Ylva that he found Thorfinn, who then attempts to embrace his sister but she kicks him in the face.
She tells them that her little brother died when he was a kid and thinks Thorfinn is some kind of a scammer.
Later, in the episode, Thorfinn, Einar, and Leif meet Helga, who in the beginning appears shocked.
But Helga instantly recognizes Thorfinn. She starts crying and holds Thorfinn’s face. She notes how much Thorfinn has grown over the years.
So, How Old Is Thorfinn in Vinland Saga Season 2?
Amid all the chaos and battles, warriors like Thorfinn cannot seem to keep track of their age.
And this happens in Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 24 when on Leif’s ship, Thorfinn suddenly tries to remember how old he was.
During the episode, Thorfinn tells his family about everything that happened to him in the past 16 years.
It is important to note that Thorfinn was a six-year-old boy when Thors, his father, died at the hands of Askeladd.
So, by the end of Vinland Saga Season 2, Thorfinn is around 22 years old.
This is also confirmed in Chapter 101 of the Vinland Saga manga, where Ylva is shown cutting Thorfinn’s hair and cleaning him up a bit. She tells him that he is almost 23 and old enough to get married.
Moreover, she tells him to marry one of the granddaughters of Snoggi and take over his fishing business.
However, Thorfinn has other plans and tells Ylva and other members of his family that he wishes to go to Vinland and create a peaceful land.
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