Thor: Ragnarok Artist Reveals Unused Concept Art for Hela

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Thor joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and will likely play a big part in their third movie. With Thor venturing through space and having fun, fans are getting Thor: Ragnarok flashbacks in a good way. After all, that is considered by many to be one of the MCU's best installments, thanks to the impeccable comedy and some smart use of music, along with the creative fight scenes.

Even though she was kind of generic, Hela also gained a lot of fans. Maybe it was her fantastic costume or the fact that Cate Blanchett looked marvelous as the villain but people did gravitate towards her and fans are probably interested to see how artists conceptualized her for the film. Andy Park, who has done a ton of art for the MCU before, revealed some of his earlier designs for Hela and they're pretty cool.

That being said, we can see why the final design was chosen. Having the mask put itself on was a great visual and it made the villain seem otherworldly, which is what they wanted her to seem like. It's a shame that Hela was seemingly killed in the end, though here is hoping that she ends up surviving and plans to get her revenge on Thor.

We'll probably see Thor again in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which doesn't have a release date. Thor: Ragnarok is now available on Blu-Ray and DVD.

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