Thor: Love and Thunder Director Taika Waititi Says Stranger Things 'Ruined Kate Bush'

There is little doubt that Kate Bush is one of the most influential musicians in history and people are finally learning more about her, thanks to Stranger Things Season 4. However, there are some people who are a bit salty about the resurgence of Bush's popularity. "Some people" is actually Taika Waititi who claims that the series "ruined Kate Bush" and forced him to cut some scenes from Thor: Love and Thunder!

It was previously reported that Thor: Love and Thunder was originally set to feature a Kate Bush classic before Taika Waititi decided to remove it because of the success of Stranger Things Season 4. This was clearly not an easy decision for the filmmaker who admitted he feels the need to gatekeep Bush's music.

While speaking to NME, Waititi was asked if Thor: Love and Thunder was going to do to Guns N' Roses what Stranger Things did for Kate Bush. The Jojo Rabbit director didn't hold back on the salt.

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“You mean how they ruined Kate Bush? I love that show, but as someone who feels a real ownership of Kate Bush music… I’m really annoyed! I’ve become one of those old arseholes who’s like: ‘These kids never listened to Kate Bush, they’ve heard one song on a TV show! They don’t know Kate Bush! I know Kate Bush!’” Waititi said.

Waititi went on to confirm that there was supposed to be a Kate Bush dance scene "before Stranger Things [happened]" and revealed that they were going to use Bush's A Woman's Work for a scene involving Jane Foster.

It's somehow disappointing that we didn't get to see that Kate Bush dance scene but Taika Waititi did manage to use other music that he wanted in Thor: Love and Thunder. For instance, the film features four Guns N' Roses songs in key scenes.

Thor: Love and Thunder is now screening in theaters worldwide. All nine episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 are streaming on Netflix.

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