These New Spider-Man: Far From Home Posters Show Marvel and Sony Learned From Past Mistakes

Does anyone remember that horrible Spider-Man: Homecoming poster? The one where characters were haphazardly placed anywhere where there was space and was memed to oblivion by everyone who saw it? Check it out below if you haven't yet because it's hot garbage. Good thing the movie was a solid MCU flick, otherwise, this would have been its legacy.

Anyway, it seems like Marvel and Sony have learned from since three new Spider-Man: Far From Home posters were recently revealed by Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland. The three posters are pretty simple, Spider-Man in his red and black costume doing cool poses in Europe. Sure, they might not be as creative as say, the Japanese poster, but these three are still eye-catching and are a huge improvement over that Homecoming atrocity.

Okay, to be fair, Marvel and Sony did eventually release some good Homecoming posters, including the one that references Amazing Fantasy #15, where Spider-Man first debuted. It's really easy fan-service but no one minded since the poster was such a huge improvement over that mess we saw.

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Credit: Marvel Entertainment/Sony Pictures/Nerdist

Spider-Man is expected to come back after the events of Avengers: Endgame, which will alter the MCU as we know it. The movie comes out on April 26, while Spider-Man: Far From Home is slated for a July 5 release date.

Read: Kevin Feige: Spider-Man Far from Home Could Be Stan Lee's Final Cameo