In Episode 7 of Amazon's The Wheel of Time TV series, the characters' journey towards the Eye of the World becomes a major source of conflict. Mat's desertion is bad enough for the party's already strained relationships. To make matters worse, the Two Rivers villagers belatedly discovered that anyone who isn't the Dragon Reborn can't return alive. So, what is the Eye of the World, and why is it so scary?
Those familiar with Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series will know that the first installment is titled the Eye of the World. This alone, suggests that the Eye is as crucial as it is dangerous. We suspect that the Amazon Prime TV show will simplify the concept a bit to make it more palatable to those not acquainted with the books.
The Eye of the World, towards which the main characters are traveling, is not a location as such. Rather, it's a key element to the Dark One's imprisonment. As such, it's heavily charged with the One Power.
In a few words, the Eye of the World is an artificial pool. It's located in a hill inside the Blight - a barren, corrupted part of the world. Following the taint of the saidin - the male part of the One Power - by the Dark One, one hundred Aes Sedai created the Eye, giving up their lives to fulfill the task. It's important to note that at that time, male Aes Sedai still existed. The pool, therefore, includes both saidin, as well as as saidar - the female aspect of the One Power.
According to the fandom wiki, there are many legends surrounding the Eye of the World. To prevent adventurers from seeking it needlessly, rumor has it that "it can only be found once, and only at great need". Moiraine is the only known person so far to have survived visiting the Eye twice.
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It appears that the Eye's power is so immense that anyone less strong than the Dark One itself cannot safely access it. Besides, messing with it is highly unadvisable, given that one hundred Aes Sedai died for its creation. It is crucial in keeping the Dark One imprisoned. The power it holds is enough to mend the seal of his prison or break it open.
Of course, with second season in the making and a third one confirmed, we doubt that any of that will go according to plan - but we're excited to find out more!