The Mortal Kombat franchise has been bringing in characters from other media, and the 11th iteration of the game has managed to bring in 80s movie icons the Terminator and Robocop. To celebrate Robocop's coming to the game, NetherRealm has released a gameplay trailer for both him and the T-800.
While we've had the Terminator in the game for a while, a lot of people are curious as to what Robocop has to bring to the table. By the looks of the trailer, a lot of people have been comparing him to MK character Sektor, in a sense that he's a cyborg that has a lot of gadgets and tricks up his sleeve; he even has the signature flame thrower.
I think it's also worth mentioning that NetheRealm was able to bring back Peter Weller to provide the voice of Robocop. They weren't able to do the same thing when it came to the T-800.
Speaking of bringing back original actors, fans were definitely sure that another 80s hero, Ash from Evil Dead, was coming to the game with Bruce Campbell providing the voice. For now, a rumor is going around that some licensing deal has led to Ash being canceled, but hopefully, NetherRealm manages to bring him back for a second Kombat Pack which fans are sure is going to happen.
For now, fans wait for Robocop's arrival on May 26. Mortal Kombat 11 is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
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