The Super Mario Bros. Movie Stars Eager For Sequel Despite Unpromising Reviews

Let's face it. The Super Mario Bros. Movie had a promising trailer, but the controversy surrounding Chris Pratt's initial Mario voice did not convince fans it would be a good film. In fact, even after Pratt confirming he could easily do the iconic Mario voice, the Illumination studio film was still not well-received.

At its opening weekend, The Super Mario Bros. Movie received mixed reactions and reviews, which pretty much reflected that it's unlikely for the film to hold a sequel renewal. However, despite the unpromising prospect, Chris Pratt (Mario) and co-star Charlie Day would do anything to reprise their roles in a potential sequel.

“Yes, I’d LOVE that,” Pratt said in a recent interview with Total Film, “Yeah, I’d love to see that.”

Meanwhile, his co-star Charlie Day is equally enthused at the idea of reprising their roles, “It’s so fun to be part of this world and just [seeing] people love these characters so much. I mean, I would love to keep doing it and Luigi has got a whole mansion he can wander around and be scared in. But I don’t know, I think I’d do as many as they wanted me to do.”

READ MORE: The Super Mario Bros. Movie First Reactions Are In: “A Love Letter To Every Era of Mario”, “NOT Great, PERFECT”

When asked about Pratt’s thoughts on whether he’s worried about starring in a new franchise aside from his lead roles in Jurassic World and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the actor said: “I wouldn’t call it trepidation, I think just a level of excitement.”

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“Especially knowing how broad the fanbase is for the Super Mario Bros. and Mario World, you just know the potential there.” Pratt added, “The only fear you might have is that you just don’t want to be responsible for screwing any of this stuff up. You know how passionate fans are, I know how passionate I am about this universe having played so many of these games growing up.”

Thoughts on Chris Pratt and Charlie Day reprising their roles in a potential The Super Mario Bros. sequel?

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is currently available in cinemas worldwide. You can check out more details about the movie here.