The Suicide Squad Star Margot Robbie Backs Ayer Cut Movement

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Suicide Squad director David Ayer is hoping that his full director's cut of the divisive 2016 film will still see the light of day. However, considering the fact that Warner Bros. is set to release James Gunn's soft reboot of the franchise in 2021, that doesn't seem to be the main priority as of now but it's not gonna stop Ayer and some of the film's cast and crew from pushing for its release. After all, the Snyder Cut movement ultimately succeeded.

Now, the DCEU's one and only Harley Quinn Margot Robbie is sounding off on the #ReleaseTheAyerCut movement. In a recent appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Robbie confirmed that while she hasn't seen the famed cut, there were a lot of scenes that didn't make it to the theatrical cut of Suicide Squad. The Australian bombshell said: "I never saw the Ayer Cut. I know we shot a lot of stuff that didn't make it into the movie. I would be very curious myself."

Whether we'd end up getting the film or not still remains to be seen. However, the sad reality is that the clamor for the Ayer Cut isn't as strong as the fans' desire to see the Snyder Cut which kinda sucks especially for Ayer who clearly just wants to prove a point and redeem himself. Well, you know what they say, anything can happen but I wouldn't exactly get my hopes up on this one.

That said, James Gunn's The Suicide Squad hits cinemas in 2021.

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