The Mandalorian Season 2 Drops Unexpected Star Wars Episode I Easter Egg

There is little doubt that The Mandalorian Season 2 had a lot of amazing Easter Eggs and references in its first episode alone. But did you also catch the interesting Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Easter Egg in Chapter 9: The Marshal?

WARNING: The following contains The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1 spoilers so proceed with caution.

In Chapter 9: The Marshal, Mando returned to Tatooine in search of a fellow Mandalorian. Unfortunately, it turns out that the man in the Mandalorian armor is just a resident of Tatooine who procured the armor from Tusken Raiders.

Interestingly, the only way Cobb Vanth was willing to give up the armor was if Mando agrees to help the town. They set off to enlist the Tusken Raiders in an effort to get rid of the Krayt Dragon terrorizing the city and along the way, fans noticed that Vanth had an interesting ride.

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Vanth's speeder happens to have been made out of a podracer's engine and it closely resembles the one that Anakin Skywalker used in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Sure, it's the wrong color but it wouldn't be a surprise if Watto decided to repaint and sell the podracer after losing Anakin, right?

Although there has been no confirmation yet whether it was Anakin's podracer (or at least, its engine) that appeared in The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1, it's still an awesome throwback to the prequel trilogy films.

The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1 is now available on Disney+.

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