The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Gets a Release Date and New Trailer

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After their success with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo is coming back for a new Zelda title, Link's Awakening. The game has just released a new trailer thanks to E3 2019, and it gives us a good look at the game, plus a dungeon building feature!

While Breath of the Wild felt more like a modern RPG, Link's Awakening is a lot closer to the feel of the original Zelda games, what with the 2D plane, dungeons and kooky monsters you can find in them. You have your traditional weapons like bombs and swords, but it looks like there are also some new gadgets to help players to get around the game.

There also looks to be a bunch of different minigames that would play with the angle, but for the main part, it's the traditional birds-eye-view setting.

Players will also get to win specific dungeon chambers that they can put together like LEGOs and turn into a custom dungeon. Traversing them yourself will earn you some special rewards. No news yet on whether you can access dungeons customized by different players though, which I would personally love since I have no idea on what makes intriguing game design.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is closer than we thought it would be, and we should expect it to be available for the Nintendo Switch come Sept. 20.

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