After the Coronavirus delayed Sony's The Last of Us Part II from reaching its May release date, Sony has finally announced when the highly-anticipated horror sequel will be coming out. The company has also announced a new release date for Ghost of Tsushima, which might just be the last big PS4 exclusive since the PlayStation 5 is coming out soon. PS4 owners are in trouble since the two games are coming out one after another.
On the PlayStation Blog, it was announced that The Last of Us Part II release date will now be on June 19. Ghost of Tsushima, which was originally going to come out in June, is now going to come out on July 17. That's a decent amount of time to save for each game so here's hoping that things calm down by then.
The Last of Us Part II doesn't really need an introduction, does it? It's the sequel to Naughty Dog's beloved PS3 classic, with Ellie now taking the lead role as she tries to take down the people who invaded her home. It's going to be a dark path for Ellie and it will be interesting to see if Joel really is alive, or if he's just a hallucination.
Ghost of Tsushima might be an all-new IP but it's developed by Sucker Punch, the beautiful bastards who made Infamous and Sly Cooper. Considering how almost all of their games are of some quality, we have high hopes for this PS4 exclusive. Gameplay-wise, it doesn't seem to do anything new but it looks gorgeous and should be a good time.
What are your thoughts on these games and their new release dates? Let us know in the comments below.
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