The spin-off manga of the web novels The Irregular at Magic High School by Tsutomu SatÅ, Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei, is now almost in the middle of its season and the events are now getting hotter and hotter so to make sure not to miss anything on what is happening, check where to watch the show and set your countdown now with the release date and time for The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for The Honor Student at Magic High School. Read at your own risk!
What happened in The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 5?
In The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 5, I Won't Let Anyone Interfere, Blanche, the international anti-magic organization, and its members attacked the First High students through the use of grenades and assault rifles. As the student council and the disciplinary committee organized a small effort to counter them, they realize that they would have to run away.
Honoka, Shizuku, and Eimi saw Tsukasa and they apprehend him with the discipline committee helping them. However, it was revealed that the attack was just a decoy, a distraction that Blache used to access classified information from the library of the school. It was only stopped by Tatsuya and the rest.
With the things they discovered, they found the hideout of Blanche, and Tatsuya interrogated Tsukasa. They were defeated along with their members helped by Miyuki. In celebration of their success and of the birthday of Tatsuya, they can ease for a while and relax.
Where to Watch The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6 With English Subs Online?
While there is no news yet as regards the English dubbed version of the anime show, the show has a chance of being dubbed as it is streaming online on Funimation which is known for the dubs that they produce. Funimation offers one week of early access of the episodes through an active subscription with the rate of $5.99 per month or $59.99 a year. It will have 13 episodes in a single-cour.
When is the Release Date of The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6?
The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6, titled The Nine Schools Competition Begins, will have its Funimation premium access release on August 7, 2021 and on the same date, the previous run will be up online for free. This one will be having its release on August 14, 2021.
When is the Release Time of The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6?
The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6 is scheduled for release at 11:30 PM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 7:30 AM PT
Central Time: 9:30 AM CT
Eastern Time: 10:30 AM EST
British Time: 2:30 PM BST
The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6 Countdown
The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6
One step ahead of Blanche proves useful for First High. While they could ease for a bit with the birthday celebration of Tatsuya, the threat of the organization cannot be set aside that easily. The Nine Schools Competition is about to arrive so make sure to see what happens next on The Honor Student at Magic High School!