Premiering in the Summer 2023 anime season is The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses, a school romance anime with an interesting premise. But how many episodes will The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses have?Ā Continue reading to find out!
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What Will The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Anime Cover?
As of writing, there are 10 manga volumes released for The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses. However, there has been no word yet about how much of the original content the anime will adapt.
The latest volume was released on January 20, 2023, while the anime adaptation was confirmed on January 13, 2023.
In this case, we can assume that the anime will only cover part of the 10 volumes. It may be up until Volume 5 or Volume 8.
Sometimes, the anime covers half of the released manga volumes or more, depending on the story's progression.
What to Expect From The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses follows the story of Ai Mie and her deskmate, Kaede Komura.
His attention has always been on her because of her cute charms, and Kaede wishes she would look at him beneath her glasses.
The two become acquaintances as Kaede discovers that Ai usually forgets her glasses. He starts helping her out, making her rely on him too much.
As a romantic comedy anime in a school set-up, viewers can expect a lot of comedic scenes between the two inside the classroom as Ai struggles to see without her glasses.
Viewers can also expect other characters that will add more color to the series.
How Many Episodes Will The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Have?
Unfortunately, no confirmation has been made yet regarding the total number of episodes for The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses. But normally, romance shows have 12 or 13 episodes.
We will update this space once there is an announcement from the anime's studio, GoHands, regarding the show's episode count.
When Do New Episodes of The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Get Released?
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses' new episodes are released every Tuesday at 11:00 PM JST, starting July 4, 2023.
In Japan, it will be broadcast on channels such as TOKYO MX, U-NEXT, and ABEMA.
Meanwhile, international viewers will have to wait for an update regarding the anime's official streaming platform.
Join Ai and Kaede in The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses this summer season!
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