The Fruit of Evolution follows Seiichi Hiragi, who was insulted and bullied because of his appearance. He does not have any friends and was often remarked with harsh words by his classmates. One day, he heard a voice, claiming to be God, saying that he and the rest of his classmates should prepare to be transported to another world.
True enough, Seiichi and his classmates were taken to a fantasy world where stats, levels, and skills are needed to survive. Since he has no one, he was summoned to a different area where he found the Fruit of Evolution that changed his life. The series will follow Seiichi’s journey in this new world and how he became a champion.
The Fruit of Evolution Anime Episode 9 Details
Episode nine of The Fruit of Evolution will be released on November 30, 2021. It is entitled, “Black Cat Oliga”. It will make its premiere in Japan on Monday at 10:00 PM JST. Of course, for international fans, they can expect the series by Tuesday at 2:30 AM PST.
The series can be streamed on Crunchyroll in English subtitles. For the English dubbed version, fans will have to wait for Cruchyroll’s official announcement regarding the matter. While waiting, fans can stream the series on site for free as Crunchyroll has a free trial period for non-members. Members or those who are interested to become members must pay $9.99 per month or $79.99 per year to keep their membership.
Those who signed up can get exclusive perks from the site such as ad-free shows, access to the site’s libraries, and simulcasts after Japan. Fans should take note that simulcasts are not available for non-members which means that they must wait for a few days before they can stream The Fruit of Evolution on Crunchyroll, unlike members who will just wait an hour after the episode was released in Japan.
It has been confirmed that the series will have 12 episodes that will run until December 2021, unless there is a delay in production or airing. Those who are curious as to what will happen to Seiichi can stay tuned to find out.