Isekai fans will surely be intrigued with The Fruit of Evolution. The story follows Seiichi Hiragi who was bullied at school because of his physical attributes. These harsh comments made his life a living hell. One day, everything changed after an unknown person, who claimed to be God, told Seiichi and his classmates that they will be transported into another world.
This world will not focus on their physical looks or intelligence but rather on stats and levels. After Seiichi arrived at this mysterious world, he ate the Fruit of Revolution which changed his physical appearance and provided him with abilities that will make him a champion.
The Fruit of Evolution Anime Episode 10 Details
Episode ten of The Fruit of Evolution is entitled “Creeping Kaiser Empire”. It will be released on December 7, 2021, at 10:00 PM JST. Those who are residing outside Japan can stream the series on Tuesday at 2:20 AM PST on Crunchyroll.
The episode will be available in English subtitles. Those who are not a fan of reading subs will have to wait for Crunchyroll’s announcement on when the English dubbed version of The Fruit of Evolution will be available. The streaming site also offers a free trial period for non-members. This will allow them to watch the anime for free.
After the trial period, members must register on the platform. Membership would cost $9.99 per month. Another option is to pay $79.99 per year, which would cost less than the monthly payment. Those who signed up can get exclusive perks from the site such as ad-free shows, access to the site’s libraries, and simulcasts after Japan. Fans should take note that simulcasts are not available for non-members which means that they must wait for a few days before they can stream the series on Crunchyroll, unlike members who will just wait an hour after the episode was released in Japan.
The Fruit of Evolution will have 12 episodes that will follow Seiichi’s journey. He will meet tons of interesting characters along the way that could continue to change his life for the better.