Despite the recent controversies surrounding its lead star, The Flash is still moving forward with its release next year without any major changes as far as we know. However, the biggest draw of the highly-anticipated film is the return of Michael Keaton as Batman, who is expected to have a major presence in the DCEU moving forward.
During their recent presentation at the CinemaCon event in Las Vegas, Warner Bros. showed the attendees exclusive brand new footage for The Flash which gave them a glimpse of what's about to come in the upcoming film. While the footage wasn't released publicly, there were members of the press who were present at the event and were able to report on what they saw.
According to, the footage started with Ezra Miller's Barry Allen as he raced back to his childhood home while looking at photos of his parents. Then, they showed Keaton's Bruce Wayne at the Wayne Manor as he opens a secret door which reveals seven Batsuits standing together. There's also a shot of the Flash slowing down time and racing up the side of a building.
The footage also had a glimpse of Ben Affleck's Batman riding a Batcycle while in a car chase with the police during the daytime, Michael Shannon returning as Zod, and Sasha Calle's Supergirl whose costume is similar to Henry Cavill's. In the end, they showed an unmasked Keaton's Batman who said his iconic line from the 1989 film, "You want to get nuts? Let's get nuts," to Barry, alternate Barry, and Supergirl. Keaton's Batman now has shorter hair and an upgraded version of the '89 Batsuit with a bold yellow emblem.
Based on the details, it looks like the main highlight of the footage is the extended look at Keaton's Batman in which we've only seen his back in the footage that they released during the DC FanDome event several months ago. It is interesting that they decided to focus more on the Caped Crusader instead of the titular hero and it might be their strategy due to Miller's recent controversies.
Since the film won't be released until next year, it might take some time before Warner Bros. released a trailer or new footage publicly. Right now, there are a lot of fans who are wondering about what will happen with the film as a result of Miller's controversies and if they will make significant changes to address the actor's future in the franchise. However, the film's presence in the presentation shows that it will still get released theatrically no matter what.
Also Read: DC Cancels Ezra Miller’s The Flash Movie Prequel Series
The Flash is set to be released in theaters on June 23, 2023.