One of the most anticipated anime shows for the fall season, based on the light novels of Kanata Yanagino with the illustrations of Kususaga Rin, The Faraway Paladin is about to grace the screens so make sure to check everything you need to know for Episode 1 with the release date and time you can put on your countdown and where to watch it.
What Is The Faraway Paladin About?
A child, Will, lives in a city far away from civilization and is being raised by the undead. Will is loved and cared for by Blood, a skeletal warrior; Mary, a mummified priestess; and Gus, a spectral sorcerer. However, Will started to wonder who he really is so he wondered how he came about in such a place, that's when he started to unravel the secret pasts of that undead. After knowing it all, he's on his way to be a Paladin.
Where to Watch The Faraway Paladin Episode 1 with English Subtitles?
The Faraway Paladin releases a new episode weekly via Crunchyroll where it is available in its original Japanese audio and English subtitles. For the price of $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year, Crunchyroll offers its vast library of anime shows in various countries one week earlier than its release to the general public for free when one subscribes to premium.
When is the Release Date of The Faraway Paladin Episode 1?
The Faraway Paladin Episode 1 is slated for release on October 9, 2021, for the premium subscribers of Crunchyroll. For those without a premium access subscription, it will be out for free the week after on October 16, 2021.
When is the Release Time of The Faraway Paladin Episode 1?
The Faraway Paladin Episode 1 is slated for release at 10:00 PM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 6:00 AM PT
Central Time: 8:00 AM CT
Eastern Time: 9:00 AM EST
British Time: 2:00 PM BST
The Faraway Paladin Episode 1 Countdown
What an interesting concept, right? The undead loves Will so much, their care for him transcends beyond death. He must really be a special boy to be treated like that. Still, it would be best for him to know where and how he arrived there. Find out in The Faraway Paladin!