The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Set Photo Reveals Bucky with... Loki?

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan will reprise their roles as Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. While the show is set to introduce some new characters, it looks like it might introduce a familiar villain as well.

Seen in the blurry set photos, some fans are convinced that Stan seems to have a scene with Tom Hiddleston's Loki. It's quite hard to tell, but others think that the person's hairline basically gives it away. You can check it out here.

While some think it's a reach, other people pointed out that Stan previously shared a video on his Instagram account asking a kid which is the better villain between the Winter Soldier and Loki. However, some have doubts, and think that the man in the picture is Desmond Chiam, a cast member for the show, who also has long black hair.

If it were actually the God of Mischief on the set of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it's definitely a surprise and actually quite a treat. Given that Loki will have a time-travel element, it is possible that Hiddleston's character might be jumping between shows. Then again, this could likely be just hopeful thinking by the fans.

For now, there's not much known about both shows, especially about Loki, so fans could only wait for The Falcon and Winter Soldier's release on Disney+ this August to confirm whether or not Hiddleston might actually be in it.

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