We already know that Solo: A Star Wars Story actress Erin Kellyman has been cast in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier although her role is still a huge mystery. But is it possible that the woman who played Enfys Nest will be playing a new Marvel Cinematic Universe supervillain? A new report claims that Kellyman could portray Songbird in the upcoming Disney+ series.
The revelation comes from Murphy's Multiverse, which shared an account of a local who observed the cast of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier filming a scene in Atlanta, Georgia. According to the witness, the scene involved Georges St-Pierre, who plays Batroc the Leaper as well as Kellyman and Desmond Chiam.
"Georges was filming in a park standing with Desmond by a bench, while Erin sat between them on the back of the bench with her feet on the seat. He could not hear any dialogue but said that Erin's character used some kind of power, unclear how, to impress the two. The power involved extras near them in a field stopping, simultaneously looking at the phones, looking up, and all walking towards them in a group and as if in a trance," the site reports.
It's pretty clear that Kellyman is showing off the powers of Songbird, who has supersonic sound abilities that can cause a variety of effects like mind control. If Kellyman is indeed playing Songbird, this could actually lead to more appearances from the character if Marvel decides to pursue a Thunderbolts storyline. However, this has not yet been confirmed so it's best to take this with a grain of salt.
What do you think of Kellyman playing Songbird in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier? Sound off in the comments below.
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