It's no secret that the Flag-Smashers took the Super Soldier serum from Doctor Nagel and promptly used it on themselves. But why did they take it in the first place? The Falcon and The Winter Soldier star Erin Kellyman has revealed that the terrorist group had more practical reasons to need superpowers.
It is revealed early on that the Flag-Smashers have super strength. In The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 1, one of the terrorists named Dovich took on Joaquin Torres and showed off his superpowers. Interestingly, it is later revealed that the Flag-Smashers got their hands on the Super Soldier serum and have been using it on their members.
There is little doubt that the Flag-Smashers are using their powers to defeat anyone who tries to stop them. But why did they steal the Super Soldier serum? Kellyman told TVLine that the group may have wanted the serum for practical reasons.
"I think the reason that they wanted the power behind them, originally, was probably for more practical use. They do a lot of moving boxes and helping people, and I think they probably would have just taken it for that reason," Kellyman said.
Of course, things have changed since Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have started tracking them down. Kellyman pointed out that the Flag-Smashers are now using those powers for a different purpose.
"Now they're starting to get more attention, and they're posing more of a threat, and I think [the serum] is quite helpful," she said.
First of all, it's interesting to note that the Flag-Smashers probably only needed super strength for their smuggling. However, it looks like the serum has a new purpose for the group.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 5 will premiere on Disney+ on April 16.
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