The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2 Ending Explained

Vanitas from the Case Study of Vanitas Part 2 Ending Explained
Credit: Bones

Vanitas from the Case Study of Vanitas Part 2 Ending Explained
Credit: Bones

The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2 was one of the best anime Winter 2022 had to offer. Noé and Vanitas have come a long way. The first season's finale was satisfying while leaving just enough loose ends for another season to become a possibility. But what exactly did the finale involve? Here are all your questions about the ending of The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2 explained:

How Did the Previous Episodes' Conflict Get Resolved?

Just as the battle with Mikhail seemed hopeless, or at least impossible to end without serious and irreversible injury, an unexpected revelation came in. Noe's teacher, in the form of a young man, appears and admits he was the one who saved Mikhail. The Teacher now goes by the name of Count of St Germain - an actual historical figure.

St Germain's intentions seem less than pure, but at least he helps diffuse the situation for the moment, by taking Mikhail away. The next day, Mikhail seeks out Vanitas again. While Mikhail's plan was very twisted, his motivations were childlike and informed by his early trauma.

In fact, Mikhail was afraid that he was to blame for the fact that Vanitas killed Luna, the vampire who raised them. Vanitas is able to reassure Mikhail that this isn't the case, but he still refuses to join his former foster brother, stating that he would rather die because of Noe - likely a cruel foreshadowing, given that Noe kills Vanitas in the end - or so he says.

Related: Is The Case Study of Vanitas Actually Any Good?

What Does the Future Hold for Vanitas and Noé?

Vanitas and Noe have now reached a renewed understanding. Noe has still not drunk Vanitas' blood, so he does not know everything about his past but the two are still closer than before - and know that they will have more enemies to deal with in the future.

Vanitas will keep curing vampires - which we know that he's doing partly to find out what corrupted the true name of his vampire foster parent. Along the way, they are likely to come across more enemies and malnomen, while Teacher might have a sinister role to play.

Unfortunately, that's about as far as The Case Study of Vanitas ongoing manga has gone. Unless the show becomes a pre-Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist, we'll have to wait for a while before there's substantial material for The Case Study of Vanitas Season 2.

Sad that the anime is over? Don't despair! We've gathered a list of anime like The Case Study of Vanitas you should start watching!