In Episode 6 of The Book of Boba Fett, Cad Bane, the notorious and feared Star Wars bounty hunter, made his live-action debut. In the episode, the actor who played Cad Bane in previous Star Wars appearances returned for the Book of Boba Fett. Now, The Book of Boba Fett series released his character poster. Like all of the previous character posters, the poster shows Bane surrounded by the sandy wastes of Tatooine. It is also where he emerged from before shooting Cobb Vanth. You can check out Cad Bane’s character poster below:
In The Book of Boba Fet Episode 6, the Pykes have hired the notorious bounty hunter, Cad Bane, to take care of the disruptions to their spice-running operations on Tatooine. However, Bane has a much longer history with Boba Fett, his allies, and his family.
Cad Bane knew Jango Fett, Boba’s father. Before Boba’s father was semi-retired to Kamino to serve as the template for the Republic’s clone army, he helped Cad Bane to become a bounty hunter. Jango also took Bane under his wing for a while, allowing Bane to become one of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy.
Bane’s reputation grew a lot during the Clone Wars. He worked with the Separatists against the Republic. He also infiltrates the Jedi Temple to steal a Holocron.
By the time Boba Fett became a bounty hunter, he knew of Cad Bane. The first time they encountered each other was in prison, where Cad Bane got Boba to help in staging a breakout. Towards the end of the war, Bane started to train Boba Fett, returning Jango’s favor to him.
Bane’s lines in Episode 6 suggest that he harbors some resentment for Boba Fett, seemingly because Boba collaborated with the Empire. It could be that Bane was trying to turn the people of Tatooine against Boba, but it could also be that Bane is doing this independently. We’ll be able to get all of our answers in the finale episode of The Book of Boba Fett.
New episodes of The Book of Boba Fett every Wednesday on Disney+.
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