The recent episode of The Book of Boba Fett titled "From the Desert Comes a Stranger" featured the return of Luke Skywalker following his surprise cameo in the second season finale of The Mandalorian. A lot of fans were happy to see the Jedi Master again and noticed that the de-aging technology that they used to recreate the younger version of the character improved a lot compared to what they've done in The Mandalorian.
A few days after the episode aired, Graham Hamilton, the stand-in actor who played Luke Skywalker in the latest installment of The Book of Boba Fett, took to Instagram to share his experience when he worked on the series where he thanked Mark Hamill, Dave Filoni, Jon Favreau, and Lucasfilm for the collaboration on bringing the character to life.
"Co-creating #LukeSkywalker for @thebookofbobafett with master @hamillhimself was one of the most magical and fulfilling creative experiences of my life," he wrote. "Deep gratitude to @dave.filoni and @jonfavreau for bringing me into the family and to all the geniuses @starwars + @lucasfilms who remind us of the power of myth, and the deep responsibility of artists who bring these archetypes to life. It's hard to express what this all meant for me, how unimaginably moving it was and still is."
He continued, "The 5 year old kid who sat night after night in a basement in Missoula MT watching #StarWars is living his best life." He then shared some of the highlights from his experience on the set from working with the Grogu puppet and geeking out with Rosario Dawson to "becoming a Jedi."
It is great to hear Hamilton's perspective regarding the much-awaited return of Luke Skywalker and his experience working on the set as the stand-in for the iconic character. You can tell from his post that he is also a huge Star Wars fan and he had the greatest time bringing back the character to life.
The return of Luke Skywalker has been a subject of discussion for fans in the past few days, especially with the improved recreation of the character in his younger years post-Return of the Jedi. While the fans are celebrating his return, there have been split reactions when it comes to the use of the technology in the long run. Some fans want an entire series with young Luke Skywalker using the same technology while some fans want to keep it to a minimum or recast the role in the future. Either way, it is great to see the return of the character again, and let's just wait and see if he'll show up again.
Also Read: The Book of Boba Fett: Mark Hamill Breaks Silence on Luke Skywalker's Cameo
The season finale of The Book of Boba Fett is set to stream this Wednesday on Disney+.