The Bad Batch Honors Chopper With an Awesome Poster

The Star Wars Universe certainly has a lot of memorable droids in the past several decades. After all, these droids have been a huge help to the heroes and deserve all the love they get from the fans. So it's no surprise that Star Wars has honored Chopper for everything that happened in the latest episodes of The Bad Batch.

C1-10P or Chopper is a C1-series astromech droid that was first introduced in Rise of the Rebels before playing a major role in Star Wars Rebels. As revealed in The Bad Batch Episode 11, Chopper had been with Hera Syndulla since her childhood and he would continue to be the one character who never leaves her side.

That kind of devotion certainly deserves all the love from fans and Star Wars decided to pay tribute to the loyal droid in an adorable poster. Check it out below.

There is little doubt that fans were delighted when Hera and Chopper showed up in last week's episode of The Bad Batch. Luckily, the episode gave the duo a lot of screentime and pretty much revealed what their life was like before they joined the Ghost crew in Star Wars Rebels.

The Bad Batch Episode 12 also confirmed that Hera could continue to play a big role in the Rebellion along with her father Cham Syndulla. Hopefully, we'll get to see more of them in the next few episodes.

The Bad Batch Episode 12 is now streaming on Disney+. The next episode of the Star Wars animated series will premiere on Friday, July 23, 2021.

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